Apparel Region

Pakaian daerah Bali sesungguhnya sangat bervariasi, meskipun secara selintas kelihatannya sama. Masing-masing daerah di Bali mempunyai ciri khas simbolik dan ornamen, berdasarkan kegiatan/upacara, jenis kelamin dan umur penggunanya. Status sosial dan ekonomi seseorang dapat diketahui berdasarkan corak busana dan ornamen perhiasan yang dipakainya. Read Full...

Bali Culture

A set of Balinese gamelan.
Balinese traditional music has similarities with traditional music in many other areas in Indonesia, for example in the use of the gamelan and various other percussion musical instruments. Nevertheless, there are peculiarities in the technique of playing and his composition, for example in the form kecak, namely a form of singing that supposedly mimic monkeys. Similarly, a variety of gamelan are played even unique, for example Jegog Gamelan, Gamelan Gong Gede, Gambang Gamelan, Gamelan Gamelan Semar Selunding and Pegulingan. There is also music playing for ceremonies Ngaben Angklung and Bebonangan music played in a variety of other ceremonies.
There is a modern form of traditional music of Bali, for example Gamelan Gong Kebyar which is a dance music that developed during the Dutch colonial period and Joged tube which became popular in Bali since the 1950's era. Generally, Balinese music is a combination of various metal percussion instruments (metallophone), gongs and wooden percussion (xylophone). Because social relations, politics and culture, traditional music of Bali or Balinese gamelan game influence or affect each other cultures in the surrounding area, such as traditional music community in Banyuwangi and the traditional music of Lombok.
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